As your trusted dentist, we understand your desire for that bright, radiant smile that teeth whitening affords. It’s a fantastic way to boost your confidence and enhance your appearance. However, the key to maximizing this aesthetic improvement lies in the remedial procedure and subsequent care and oral hygiene practices. So, our team at Advanced Indiana is here to guide you on prolonging the effects of teeth whitening, ensuring that your smile remains as vibrant as possible for as long as possible.

What Causes Your Teeth to Stain?

Several factors contribute to the staining of teeth. Predominantly, the foods and drinks we consume significantly affect tooth discoloration. Items such as coffee, tea, red wine, and dark sodas contain intense color pigments called chromogens that attach to the white outer part of your tooth (the enamel), creating a stain.

Smoking is another culprit, as it contains tar and nicotine, which can cause stubborn yellow stains. Moreover, the natural aging process also impacts the color of your teeth as the enamel thins over time, revealing the less white, darker layer beneath, known as dentin. Furthermore, certain medications, trauma to the mouth, and poor oral hygiene can all lead to tooth staining.

How to Prepare for a Teeth Whitening Appointment

As your dental team at Advanced Indiana, we suggest a few steps to help prepare you for your teeth whitening appointment. First and foremost, we advise scheduling a dental cleaning before your whitening treatment to ensure that we’re working with a clean canvas. This’ll help remove any surface stains or plaque hindering the whitening process. We also recommend avoiding consuming deeply colored food and beverages (like coffee, tea, and red wine) that can stain your teeth in the days leading up to your appointment.

In addition, if you’re a smoker, we highly encourage you to refrain from smoking, which can also cause discoloration. Lastly, if you’re prone to tooth sensitivity, consider using desensitizing toothpaste a couple of weeks before your whitening session. These steps will help you get the most out of your teeth whitening treatment.

woman consulting dentist about teeth whitening

How to Make Your Teeth Whitening Last Longer

Cut Back on Staining Foods and Drinks

One of the biggest threats to your newly-whitened teeth is food and drink that stains. The worst culprits include coffee, tea, red wine, and dark-colored sauces like soy sauce and balsamic vinegar. If you’re serious about making your teeth whitening treatment last as long as possible, you must cut back on these foods and drinks. Of course, we’re not saying you must give them up entirely – just be mindful of how often you consume them.

Use a Whitening Toothpaste

After your teeth whitening treatment, you’ll want to use a specific toothpaste to help maintain your results. Whitening toothpaste usually contains mild abrasives and/or hydrogen peroxide to help keep your teeth bright. You may also consider using a whitening mouthwash for an added boost.

Practice Good Oral Hygiene

No matter how well you take care of your teeth, there’s no substitute for good oral hygiene practices. Make sure you brush twice daily for at least two minutes each time and floss daily. This will help remove plaque and prevent cavities, which can make your teeth look yellow and dull.

using teeth whitening toothpaste

Invest in a Custom Whitening Tray

Consider investing in a custom whitening tray if you’re serious about making your teeth whitening treatment last. These trays are molded to fit your teeth perfectly and are filled with a whitening gel that you can apply at home. While they’re not as strong as our in-office treatments, using a custom tray regularly can help keep your teeth looking bright for longer.

Invest in a Custom Whitening Tray

Consider investing in a custom whitening tray if you’re serious about making your teeth whitening treatment last. These trays are molded to fit your teeth perfectly and are filled with a whitening gel that you can apply at home. While they’re not as strong as our in-office treatments, using a custom tray regularly can help keep your teeth looking bright for longer.

Consider Touch-Up Treatments

Finally, if you want to maintain your bright, white smile for a long time, you may need to consider touch-up treatments every few months. This can be as simple as getting whitening gel refills for your custom tray or scheduling a quick in-office treatment as needed. Our team can help you determine the best course of action for your specific situation.

How to Know if Teeth Whitening is Right for You

Teeth whitening can be a transformative procedure, but it’s not for everyone. At Advanced Indiana, we believe that a personalized consultation is the best way to determine if teeth whitening is right for you. We’ll examine the overall health of your teeth and gums, discuss your oral hygiene and lifestyle, and consider your personal aesthetic goals.

We remind you that teeth whitening works best on natural teeth with yellow tones and is less effective on brown or grayish teeth. It also won’t work on crowns, veneers, or fillings. If you have sensitive teeth, gum disease, or teeth with worn enamel, we will recommend alternatives to teeth whitening to ensure your oral health is not compromised. Remember, your smile is unique, and we’re here to help you make the best choice for enhancing its beauty.

Precautions to Take With Teeth Whitening

While professional teeth whitening can yield impressive results, it’s crucial to note that it can also lead to certain side effects. The most common side effect is tooth sensitivity, particularly to hot and cold temperatures. This usually subsides a few days after the treatment. Another side effect could be gum irritation, which occurs if the whitening solution comes into contact with your gums. This, too, is typically temporary and subsides once treatment ends. Before starting any teeth whitening treatment, our team will discuss these potential side effects.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

A professional teeth whitening treatment from Advanced Indiana is a great investment in your smile and self-confidence, and with the right care, you can make your results last for months or even years. So, if you dream of a brighter, whiter smile, schedule your appointment with our team in either Indianapolis, Fortville, or Anderson, IN. We can also address your cavities or review any restorative treatments to help give you the smile you’ve always wanted.