Most of us have heard myths surrounding the use of dental dentures and the appropriate age for denture. Some people believe that you can stop worrying about dental hygiene after getting dentures. Others say that getting dentures is a forever solution for your dental issues. However, among all the myths, one question remains the most common: What is the appropriate age for getting dentures? That is why Advance Indiana is here to answer some of the questions that might be lingering in your head. Let’s learn more about dental dentures and know who are qualified candidates for a denture procedure.

Different Types of Dentures

Dentures are removable fake teeth or artificial teeth crafted by dental specialists or technicians through advanced technology for teeth replacement. They also eliminate potential dental issues caused by gaps between teeth. Depending on your oral health needs, there are varying denture solutions for you. Before understanding the average age to have dentures, it is important to understand what dentures are and the different types. Here are some different types of dentures that can help dental patients.

Teeth collection laid in wax

Partial Dentures

As its name suggests, partial dentures are used when only a few teeth are missing in the upper or lower jaw. This is a great option if you are missing teeth as a result of injury or decay. These removable dentures consist of false teeth connected by a metal framework that keeps the denture in place. Providing more stability, partial dentures have a unique clasp hook that loops around the surrounding teeth on either side, helping keep it in place.


Full dentures, commonly referred to as “complete dentures,” are designed to replace an entire set of missing teeth, either in the upper (maxillary) or lower (mandibular) jaw, or both. They consist of a flesh-colored acrylic base that fits snugly over the gums, with artificial teeth attached, made from either acrylic or porcelain. The base of the upper denture covers the palate, while the lower one is shaped like a horseshoe to accommodate the tongue.

Full dentures are primarily held in place by the natural suction created between the acrylic base and the gums, though denture adhesives can also be used for added stability and confidence. Properly fitted dentures not only restore the appearance of a full set of teeth but also provide critical support to the facial structure, preventing the sagging of facial muscles, aiding in proper chewing, and promoting clear speech. Regular visits to a dentist are crucial to ensure the ongoing comfort and functionality of the dentures as the mouth’s shape can change over time.

Immediate Dentures

Immediate dentures are the type that are made in advance and can be used even right after teeth extraction. However, sometimes immediate dentures are only temporary and are usually replaced with final ones once healed.

Implant-Retained Denture

Implant-retained dentures are removable like traditional dentures, but instead of relying on your jawbone and gums, they are attached to dental implants. Compared to traditional dentures, this type is known to be more stable.

Implant-Supported Dentures

Unlike the implant-retained denture, implant-supported dentures are a non-removable. Also called permanent dentures or hybrid dentures, these are specially for those who do not want removable oral appliances.

Appropriate Age for Dentures

The World Health Organization (WHO) identifies oral health as the state of mouth, teeth and orofacial structures that allows people to eat, breathe and speak. Aside from these, it also encompasses different psychological dimensions such as socialization, self-confidence and the ability to function without pain and discomfort.

When people hear of dentures, most think of elderly people. However, dentures are associated with oral health issues without age restrictions. It is a dental procedure that is not age-dependent and not only limited to teeth replacement.

In 2020 statistics, 40.99 million Americans used dentures. On average, people over 40 are the typical candidates for dentures for a variety of reasons, particularly because of dental issues. This is the age when people tend to have severe oral health issues where they damage soft tissues and bones in the mouth. However, dentures are not only limited to elderly patients. There are no age restrictions for dentures because younger people can also get dentures, especially those who have lost most if not all, of their teeth due to dental decay, injury, or health related issues.

Signs You Need Dentures

Your dental health relies on oral hygiene habits and lifestyle choices. A regular dental check-up is essential to prevent dental issues. However, when dentists identify teeth extraction as a permanent solution for your unmaintained oral health, then that is the time for tooth replacement option. In relation to this, denture experts have identified some signs when a denture dentist should perform a denture procedure on you.

Gaps Between the Teeth and Unstable Teeth

Having loose teeth or unstable teeth is an indication of gum disease. It is a sign of insufficient bone support. If you notice moving teeth or gaps between them, it is best to have your dental check-up.

Constant Toothaches

Experiencing chronic tooth pain is a sign that your tooth decay is severe. If detected early, a solution could be tooth filling. However, if the teeth’ condition has worsened, the dentist might recommend tooth extraction and partial dentures.

Swollen, Sensitive, and Bleeding Gums

If you have sensitive, inflamed, and swollen gums, you might be experiencing a severe stage of gum disease and an indication of gingivitis or periodontal disease. If not treated, this can be one reason for tooth loss and resort to getting dentures.

Missing Teeth

Loss of teeth can be traced due to bad oral hygiene, sports injuries, degenerative disease, and other oral health conditions. A long-term solution for this is a complete tooth replacement or having dentures.

Why are Dentures Necessary?

Aside from teeth replacement, having dental appliances have various benefits. Here are some advantages when getting dentures.

Girl undergoing a dental check-up

Improve Oral Health

Oral health problems are sometimes caused by missing teeth. With this, getting dentures may lessen the risk of developing dental issues.

Achieve a More Youthful-Looking Appearance

Dentures can help preserve your facial appearance by preventing sunken cheeks and lips. Through this, you can boost your confidence with your natural appearance.

Speak and Eat with Ease

Lack of teeth can make speaking difficult, especially with the hissing sound of “c” and “s.” On another note, eating can be challenging as you cannot properly bite your food. With dentures, all of these become easy and less difficult.

Receive the Best Dental Check-up at Advanced Indiana!

There are no age restrictions when it comes to dentures, especially if you have poor dental health hygiene that causes dental issues like teeth loss and gum disease. Prevent these medical conditions or oral health issues and take proper care of your oral health to maintain healthy teeth and gums.

At Advanced Indiana, we make sure to give the best dental care advice and procedures through our skilled dental professionals. We provide denture services that will bring back your picturesque smile! We’ll help you how you can keep your teeth healthy and prioritize your dental health. Contact us and set your denture appointment today!